Why Mountain Mindfulness?
The mountain is like a metaphor for the inner life.
When you are connected to your centre, your stillness, through mindfulness practice, you become grounded and solid like a mountain.
No matter what the weather is like on the mountain, you stay centred and respond wisely to whatever is going on - the storm, the sunshine, the grey days, the mist - because you know in your heart that this too will pass.

About Melissa
Melissa discovered Yoga and Meditation in the 1980s but it wasn't until 2015 she became a yoga teacher and spent the following three years living at Mangrove Yoga Ashram in NSW.
It was here she became totally immersed in yoga as a lifestyle, and came to understand the enormous part the mind plays in healing.
During these years she also practiced and trained with Dr Ian Gawler more specifically in Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation (MBSM) at The Gawler Foundation in Victoria.
She believes meditation is like medicine for the soul. It brings you back into harmony with yourself and with your world. From this place, all kinds of healing and benefits come – physical, mental & spiritual.
Melissa founded Mountain Mindfulness in 2020, which offers weekly classes and regular retreats in Yoga, Mindfulness and Music. Originally from Tasmania, she is passionate about sharing Yoga, Mindfulness & Music as ways to enhance wellbeing and create a more meaningful life.
"There is no peace in the mountains, no noise in the cities, all is within you." Sw Sivananda

Melissa Howden/Sangita
Yoga, Meditation and Music Teacher
Member of Satyananda Yoga Teachers Assoc. (SYTA)
Mindfulness Teacher Training, The Gawler Foundation, Vic
Dip. Satyananda Yoga Teaching, Mangrove Yoga Ashram, NSW
Dip. Remedial Massage, Morley College, London
Dip. Natural Nutrition, College of Natural Nutrition, London
B.A., Dip. Ed, University of Tasmania
